
The risks of new information technologies and communications in schools. The case of the"blue whale" game.

 The risks of new information technologies and communications in schools. The case of the"blue whale" game.

The Constitutional Court decided favorably  an acción de tutela filed by a young man whose school did not allow him to return to school after playing the 'blue whale'( la ballena azul). The Institution determined that the teenager had been diagnosed with an alteration in his behavior.The Court concluded that the school could not condition the reinstatement of the student to academic activities at the decision of the School Committee and a new medical concept, noting that the youth had already received treatment in a clinic. According to the diagnosis, the boy suffered from "oppositional defiant disorder, mild-moderate depressive episode and personality disorder", however the clinic certified that the adolescent presented no risk to live in community.The Court concluded that "the full access and permanence of a student can not be prevented, fixing conditions that are not constitutionally reasonable," he told the Court when ordering the reinstatement of the minor's school.In the same decision, the Court ordered the Government to design and promote pedagogical tools to face the risks of new information technologies and communications in schools.
