
Corporal punishment of children is prohibited by the Constitution

 T-306 de 2017. Corporal punishment of children is prohibited by the Constitution


Imposing punishments on children is a form of violence prohibited by the Constitution. This was the conclusion of the Seventh Chamber of Review of the Constitutional Court, granting the protection of fundamental rights to education, equality and non-discrimination, to integrity. , the free development of the personality and the due school process of indigenous children and adolescents, who attend the Eustasio Internship Center, at the headquarters located in the village of El Porvenir, in the Municipality of Puerto Gaitán (Meta). The children reported that they had been victims of mistreatment by some teachers.


The Court stated that the rights to education and the harmonious and integral development of children and adolescents demand, among other aspects: (i) teachers who respect and promote constitutional rights and values; (ii) teachers who use teaching methods in accordance with human dignity and democratic values; (iii) the Court argue that the use of discriminatory language by teachers generates serious discrimination, which is contrary to prejudice-free teaching and violates both discriminated against persons and children and partners who are also affected by the same situation. Finally, the Court said that imposing punishments on children that imply physical violence or humiliation or threats are a means prohibited by the Colombian Constitution.
