
Cameras in the classrooms

In this decision, the Constitutional Court concluded that the installation of surveillance cameras in the classrooms unreasonably and disproportionately invades the rights of the students. The free development of the personality and its privacy. The Court said that the classrooms are semi-private spaces in which students spend their days developing learning and socialization routines that can be inhibited by the presence of video cameras, which clearly limits their free development of personality . Other freedoms such as freedom of expression can also be affected if students fear to participate in the class believing that what they say or think can be used against them, or that any action they take will be recorded and then sanctioned. Even due process could be violated if the information is used, not only to protect the safety of the students and the institution, but also to repress other types of behavior, or to verify, for example, that a student copied during an exam , or that did not pay enough attention to the teacher. Equally, teachers may see their academic freedom restricted by being constantly observed, and this situation would threaten their right to direct the training of students.